not a good day

Turned on my computer today and it would not work. Tried for ages just to get into "safe mode" Finally managed to get Windows to load but not properly - no internet. Went on my ( quite useless ) tablet to try and find a solution. The helpful answers I found were too complicated for me to understand. So I have left a message for a computer repair man..Of course its bank hol weekend so i will just have to be patient.

Did some gardening - took my frustration out on some unruly shrubs.
Neil arrived a while ago and showed me how to get blip on this tablet and how to take a photo with it. photo quality seems poor but beggars can't be choosers.
The forum challenge is style sunday so i took a shot of a dress belonging to my daughter. she has left it with me so i can do a little alteration. It's a maxi dress but its too tight around the hem so she can hardly walk in it. I will make a slit/split down one side so she can walk easier.
if this blip works it will be a miracle as i have to send it via e mail. good luck blip...........I hope you make it.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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