twinned with trumpton


Another day. another bike ride. But before all that..

At home; ploughing relentlessly through a mountain of work - that is diminishing, slowly.

I had company for a lot of the day; she wanted to do online stuff; company; someone to bounce ideas of.

Did beetroot dip, salad for lunch along with the last bits of the blackberry and lime friand cake thingy.

I worked til 6 and then promptly mounted the bike, usual 90 minutes to do the usual 25 miles; starting to enjoy the climbs as much as the downhills....

Came back to a sunset again; went out to get eggs for supper and it was stunning;

Vuelta highlights and an hour of chat. Deep deep deep sleep; the cycling knocks me out and no mistake.

Still can't shake the notion that the film ad should have a K between the C and the Y. I may yet do it...

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