Simply Me

By Suze981

The end of the week

It's been a long day today, I was up late last night and was a wee bit tired today. It didn't help that I was in the office alone all day too, so by 5pm I'd almost lost the will to live.

Dinner and drinks with a friend brightened up the day considerably. This was the view as I walked through the park on my way home.

My friend Sarah has nominated me for the 5 day positive challenge. I've done this on Facebook before, but I think it's good to see the positive so I've decided to do it again on Blip.

So my 3 positives today:

1. It's Friday and the end of the working week!

2. I've had a really good week so far, two unexpectedly good things have happened that have made me happy (enigmatic I know).

3. After a month fully of busy, tomorrow I finally get to relax. I'm looking forward to that.

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