
Apparently, when your dog is taller (foot to shoulder) than x*cm, you have to take a driver's test...to prove you can control this possibly savage beast...

Needless to say, Logan is taller than x (damn, should really stop him from eating all those small children) and therefore, according to German friends (who even have the T shirt) we/I (like Mr K would...) should be doing this...

I'll put that idea next to the one that tells me I should always carry my passport with me & the one that says I need a permit in my car for its non brand wheels & when the cops stop me (knowing my luck, for speeding with a 'savage' dog with me) claim ignorance...

* sorry, can't remembee what x=, (but y is no problem...) I blame the Riesling, & a lack of ability to take it seriously.

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