Afternoon tea with Yangyang!

Hello everyone! Would you like a cup of tea and apple cake? Come to my garden then! I have enough apples for everybody haha!
It was a lovely sunny day in the garden . Yangyang came to visit me and we had a nice time enjoying the tea and the apple cake in the garden. The apple tree still is on the floor as you can see behind Yangyang so we took a lot of apples for the neighbours, friends and for her.
I made an apple cake. Almost I am baking one a day for everybody! We have to use the apples from the garden and I love to cook so here is one of my favourites like a flower if you see it in large.
Tomorrow Margaret and Valerie will come so I will give them a few bags of apples too and apple cake. Probably I will bake another different one. This on the pic is almost finished haha. My husband came home from work starving and the cake he said it was delicious.
Next weekend one friend is coming with the electric saw and will cut the tree in pieces for firewood. We asked for advice and we can't do anything else also we have a lot of apples in another 2 trees.
Thanks a lot for the visit and lovely comments on my journal. Have a lovely day and smile.

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