Another Day

By BlackTulip

Late Ducklings

JJ has decided to paint the staircase spindles white, rather than leave them the yucky brown they are at present. They were never rubbed down when the house was built, or by the last owners, and my occasional chore would be to go round them with a toothbrush to clean out the dust. JJ has now started to thoroughly rub them down, all fifty eight of them. I feel a long job coming on, but not for me.

I went to my favourite garden centre this morning for a mooch and to buy a second set of bird feeders. We have so many birds in and out that I think it would be wise to rotate them on a weekly basis, disinfecting the ones I take off.

On my way back from the garden centre I dropped in to the local country park and saw some late ducklings, which were being eyed up by a crow until mother spotted it and launched them into the water.

Excitingly, I have just received a new battery for my old Minolta Dinax 300si film camera (which still has a film in), so I'll take it out this afternoon and see what I can find to shoot, although perhaps a blue sky day would be better.

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