Frustrating day today. Went and visited Adrian just before the meeting at 10.00 today. But sadly the special Doctor didn't arrive until 10.40!! Why is it that they are never on time.

Adrian wasn't his usual self and the connection we usually have wasn't present. But I didn't like what I saw.

Talked a lot about what he has been up to since Friday and once again he will be put on a controlling drug. Thankyou for your kind words. xx

Phoebe and I went for a nice dry walk together over the fields, as I needed to do some thinking, Picked some more blackberries too.

This was the scene looking out towards the Quantock Hills and the West Somerset Railway. Sadly we had just missed the steam train.

I enjoyed the benign weather we had today and hope we can have some more. Redflash certainly picked a great time to take her holiday.

Tried to put the new Tiffany lamp together today but didn't quite go according to plan so it will probably have to wait until I come back for a lession in October. It's very frustrating as I wanted to see it finished.

Sending hugs to you all and hope you have all enjoyed a peaceful day.

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