Double Shot Mummy



They'd eat it every night if they could... Tell me one thing. How messy do your 4-year-olds get and when do they start to eat tidily? The stuff gets EVERYWHERE! Worth it though; to see them so eagerly wolf it down.

Today we took them to the mall to get some new trainers for school. Oscar decided to get in a very silly mood and 'couldn't walk' when we needed him to do so to try them on... we later Skyped nanny and pop and he just had to strip off for the Skype session... Poor things will be having nightmares for weeks!

The girls were tame in comparison... Bailee even shared her "Lamby" with Maple today.... Bailee and Oscar have recently became obsessed and possessive over their small beany toys. Oscar's is Seal and Bailee's Lamby. (No prizes for guessing what they are!)

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