MONO MONDAY: Time.Standing Still

This is my watch that all the workers who worked on the 2MTT were given at the end of the project. I used it for a work watch and it has got a bit scratched but I will get a new glass and battery for it one day. This watch stopped on Monday 25 but which Monday 25 I am not sure. The picture on the face is the Tunnel Boring Machine that bored a 10m diameter hole 10km long through some of the hardest rock in the world so much so and so much underestimated that some days the Machine had only bored 1m in a 12 hour shift. FDI was the consortium who ran the project. Fletcher, New Zealand. Dillingham,USA. Ilbau,Switzerland. I am away to Christchurch again tomorrow hitting the road at 05:00. and again on Friday so a big week.

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