not seeing straight

By jaybroek

To be remembered

'And in an independent Scotland there'll be wee dugs for everyone!'


'Is today going to be in the history books daddy?' asked Tom on the way to school.

'One way or another I think it will be son'

If Tom's amazing memory for perceived slights against him is anything to go by it will go down in his head as the day mummy and daddy took the day off work without him, leaving him languishing in after school care while they lived it up.

'Living it up' started with having a tranquil breakfast interrupted by a badge festooned and somewhat preoccupied local going about his campaign business.
From there to the north side to take advantage of a Christmas present we had yet to redeem... an oasis of referendumless calm so it was. With pork sauce.

As some wise folk have stated around these parts, the world will keep turning and family and friends will still matter most tomorrow. So see you on the other side.

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