Return to the North

By Viking

Playing out

Interesting weather today - the forecast was poor so i didn't hang my washing out. By 11 I was thinking that maybe I should have, as had been fine and breezy enough to get it half way dry. By 12 I was seriously considering going home to do it but as I walked out the door it started spitting with rain/ By 2pm it was PERSISTING it down with a good dose of hail mixed in. But then by 4pm it was lovely again.

This evening we all headed out to the Orepuki Cafe for a leaving meal for my DP. A good time was had by all and H will have a great time living closer to home and the change in direction for her career.
This shot is looking away from the sun on Gemstone beach. I had taken the Canon point and shoot and without reading the 198 page instruction manual I found the dial where you can play with the settings. This is on a setting that seems to saturate the colours. It had a fisheye setting as well which made for an interesting effect on the beach

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