A Dog's Dinner

By G

Fully Refreshed

A rather nice day today, a bit of messing around, walking on the beach, then a visit to the vets to get the Wonder Dog his annual MOT. He passed with flying colours and lots of tail wagging.

We also met an old chum on the beach, well he was in his van and we were walking and there by hangs a tale.

We passed 15 minutes or so yarning about who was doing this and who was doing that, how the lobsters weren't there any more, and even the spying of a pair of Sea Eagles. All the while he was sipping on a glass of golden refreshment, we're not talking Irn Bru here, obviously he had a bit of a drouth on and was in fear of dehydration, but at least he was cheerie.

We parted with promises of lobster and a bit of the next wild salmon he finds washed up on the banks of the river. He's a dab hand at finding them too.

He drove off fully refreshed and happy with the world.

Only in the Highlands.

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