
By pattons6

Minnie Mouse

I have had a bit of a day. I was happy to go to my childminder, happy to in to playgroup. After that well it was all a bit much. I cried when my child minder picked me up from playgroup. I cried through lunch then cried until nap time. After nap time it all got better. I then ate lunch.

Once I had perked up I happily played, sang did arts and crafts then ran about.

After daddy picked me he took me to grandmas. She gave us a lovely dinner then a yummy roll (raspberry bun). Mummy came to pick me up and I was happy to sit with me feet on her.

I was very tired come bedtime. So much so that I had an early bed. I woke up later though crying for mummy with a sore tummy. After a nice cuddle with mummy and some medicine I was back to my cot. Looking for my teddies, As he needed a cuddle. I am also setting my monitor off with my snoring.

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