Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


This will be a quick one tonight as we are getting ready to head out the door to a BBQ.....with some fabulously rock awesome friends. Last nights was short too. Guess we've been having an especially busy week! New baby, our son on vacation, and all the one on one time that our little girl can handle. So, even though I am pushing my time right now, there's always time for a tiny analytical story.....here it goes:

Walking along the sidewalk today, (or I should say, I was walking while my daughter was galloping, jumping, and dancing). Another gorgeous day in our area and a wonderful opportunity to just hold hands and stroll. We approached a flower stand and blip instantly came to mind when I saw this little beauty. I took some quick snap shots of this flower with one hand as I was holding my daughter's hand during this spontaneous photo shoot. People around me were probably laughing at this juggling act. So here's the analytical part.......

The bloom of a flower, bright and vibrant with a future of being admired and adored. The bloom of a flower, much like the blossoming of our sweet little girl. With a future of being admired and adored. Both are unique in so many special ways. Their presence creates a feeling of love and tenderness. Their sweetness fills the room with laughter and an overwhelming sense of joy.

Thanks for the stroll today my love. I love and adore you sweet baby (big) girl!

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