
By annabelrosewats


Had a lazy morning. Eve was my wake up call as Lucy had rung me. Luckily there is a fax phone in my room so I answered on that. Had a nice chat to Lucy, she called because she had heard about a family on the news near Wagga all getting shot dead. Told her that I and the family were all still alive and healthy!
Decided I'm going to head to Bay of Plenty in NZ which is in the north island near Auckland. It's a cool beach/surf town so should be fun. Planning on staying in a hostel for 1 week and then do a flat share. The town has a harbour on one side and then a beach on the other. Then an active volcano on the side called Mount Maunguini. So will be able to keep fit running and surfing. Might have to buy a new surf board, aha!
Went for a long walk, the cows all came charging towards me. They had all just lost their calves so they were a bit moody. Roos, foxes and masses of amazing birds as per on my walk. I love Aus because of all the amazing birds, don't get any like them back home. Watched the sunset on top of the hill before heading back to the house.
Have the worst cold ever which I have caught off the little ones!

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