Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

One order of peanuts, please.

Good lord. Like I needed this right now. I went out about 8:30 this morning and put two feeders and a suet cake out on the deck for the birds and chippies, then went on about my business in the house. About an hour later, I walked through the living room, glanced out ... and saw a rather larger black bear sitting on the deck rail, licking out the platform feeder. Unlike a few weeks ago when a different bear was on the deck railing, this time I grabbed my camera and nudged open the door to the deck to fire off some pics. The bear clearly saw me, but wasn't the least bit concerned by me. He just kept delicately licking the seeds up. I gragged a metal pan (the only one that hasn't been packed) and a metal spoon and went out and started banging them, hoping to scare him off the deck. Well, eventually he left, but he sure wasn't in any hurry. This shot, by the way is not cropped at all.

Not more than two minutes later, I saw him near the deck (it's about a 4 foot drop to the ground, where he was). Since I was on the deck at the time, I did the first thing I could think of - I grabbed the suet feeder and hurled it at him. He had the good grace to at least flinch. Then he carefully inspected the feeder, gently got hold of it in his mouth and took a leisurely stroll back into the woods. Hopefully for good.

Let me tell you that there is nothing like a close encounter with a large wild animal to get your heart pumping.

The day took a dramatic turn for the better when Hubs walked in the door at about 12:30. So, so, SO glad to have him home - and to know that we won't be living apart anymore.

The car transport guy, who seems really nice, picked up my car just now and will leave with a full load of cars on Monday, bound for FL. I feel that my car is in very good hands.

I hope you all enjoy the weekend. I'll check in when I can.

And if you'd like to see a couple of other shots of the bear, and a very offended looking titmouse, click here for the first four shots


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