Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Spring-like day

We had the best day today. The 4 of us spent the entire day in the yard.

My husband built boxes for his garden from wood and installed some shelving in his shed (that he built recently).

The boys and I blew bubbles for a long time. I tried to get some cool shots, but instead only got bubble goo on my camera.

Then the boys played with a snail for over at least an hour. They made "her" a boat from wood, a dinner of sand in a folded leaf, and a castle in the birdbath. She was not harmed in this process. :)

I helped my husband for awhile and then of course doddled around the yard searching for likely blip-subjects. The sky was blue, the wind was mild, and the air was warm. It was really quite nice.

My dad came in the evening and had dinner with us. The boys are so delighted when he comes. My oldest absolutely loves his Nana.

Tomorrow I'm hoping for more sunny skies, and the boys and I will drive North to Mapleton and check out its blipability.

p.s. This is the first daffodil to grace our yard. It is my birth flower, so it is expecially important to me. Seeing them always reminds me not only that Spring is on its way but that I will also soon be one year older. I really like the subtle spider web on top and wish that I subscribed so you could see it large.

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