My favourite boulders

I forgot my tripod yet again - even after talking about it at lunchtime. It was in the van and I couldn't be bothered going back up to the carpark for it as by the time I realised I wanted it I was frozen. I had sat on a boulder for half an hour, contemplating life and death, before I got around to taking any photos. By then the sun was behind the cliffs and the light was horribly uneven, but when you need a blip you take photos anyway and hope for the best.

The sun has been gorgeous all day, but that sea breeze had a heck of a chill factor! Of course my jacket and hat were up in the van too!

I drove down from Christchurch today with a couple of stops through the morning, arriving in Timaru in time for a blip lunch. Thanks so much to Rainie, Katey, Jipsy and Chrissybelle (sorry I've tried to add links here but the coverage in Hampden won't let me) who came out to meet me. It was a lovely extended lunch where we talked non-stop - as blippers do.

Then I drove on to Oamaru where I stopped for cheese at Whitestone - I'll be having their windsor blue with slices of pear on crunchy rolls for dinner tonight. I fought off the urge to go to the great little shoe shop in Oamaru and am terribly proud of myself for that - though I may not be as strong tomorrow.

An hour at Moeraki boulders and now I'm ensconced in the van at the camp at Hampden - just because I've stayed at the one at Moeraki before, and I thought a change would be exciting - well maybe not exciting but different anyway. Once I've blipped I'm going to go for a walk down to the beach that I can see through the van windows - but I'm taking my hat and coat this time!

Finally - Happy Birthday Leigh!! Love you. Hope you enjoyed wearing those new green boots today!
(It's my big sister's birthday)

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