
By rubyjones

Oh Denzel.

Not you too. You've gone all Liam on us.
Liam Neeson, once respected actor, now just tells people on the phone he's going to kill them. Then kills them. At least you know where you are with Liam, I guess.

But Denzel. I thought you were better than this.
I know I shouldn't have gone to see you in The Equaliser.
Sssshhhhh. Yes. Yes. Yes. I accept my guilt and shame.
But hell. That was some shit.

I especially like the director's obsession with the 80's.
I thought the Flashdance scene where you sit in a chair, lean back
and let slo-mo back-lit water hit you hard, made me laugh out loud.
But when you do the scene where Glenn Close switches the light
on and off obsessively in Fatal Attraction I completely lost it.

I have never actually honked in a cinema before
And I hope it's the last time.
Don't go and sit in seat 12 row J at the Omni, it has some
of my innards on it.

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