A Big Ball Of Yellow Flowers

After a very warm day yesterday, today was the total opposite. Rain, hail and high winds all day and it was freezing cold! A total shock to the system!

Tried to take Toto out for a quick walk between showers a couple of times but each time we had only gone a little way and another shower swept in and forced us to run back home like a pair of gigs!! :)

On the last little effort out there I saw this ball of yellow flowers out of the corner of my eye and when we were running back I reached down and snagged it to take home and introduce it to my macro lens.

I think its a weed but I've never seen one like it before. The ball of yellow is made up of lots of little yellow flowers, very sticky and about the size of a 20 cent coin with a big chunky stem. Perfectly blippable!

Had a nice rest day today, didnt exert myself at all! Not feeling too bad, appetite is back and although the cough is still wet and heavy I think things are better than they have been, progress!! ;)

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