
Gales and torrential rain last night but we, probably foolishly for it was a horrible journey, ventured out to see Gone Girl. Almost impossible to say anything about it without being on spoiler alert but suffice to say I thought it well produced, well acted, too long and totally unbelievable!

Today all is calm and I did a bit of gardening - herb hacking back mostly but I was plagued by squadrons of midges all heading for my head. Later I ventured down to the shore in search of a blip. The seaweeds are amazing colours at the moment.
Here are some seaweed facts:
They are full of vitamin A in the summer and Vitamin C in the winter
They are also full of iron, suphur and iodine
There are over 500 species around UK and Irish coastlines
They use air bladders to float and catch the sunlight
They make a brilliant fertiliser
The study of seaweed is known as phycology
Seaweeds are used in medicines, cosmetics and food.
Seaweeds are great anti-toxins
They have lovely names: dilisk, carrageen, wakame, sugar kelp, bladderwrack, oar weed, sea spaghetti, pepper dulse, sea lettuce and of course - spiral wrack!
They make the most heavenly bath - just bung in a bucketful (check for crabs and snails first!)
These are some kind of wrack with their fat little pillows.

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