Gone Fishing

Taken in the early morning mistiness whilst zooming out for emergency milk supplies.

It's gone a bit quiet. Son#2 and Himself worked until practically the last moment and the van is now looking magnificent. Cupboards under the bed made of oak, curvy ash topped units and an expertly cut circle for a little sink. He hasn't put the last pic up yet but you can see a few more pix from here. He left at 3pm with a long drive to Rosslare, ferry crossing to Pembroke then a long drive to Bristol. A soon as he's back he has to put his other hat on and is chief photographer and videographer for Bristol Circus Festival - that's his pic on the front page. His schedule looked terrifying. What  a great few weeks though, but we are all wrecked! Son#1 is still here and ploughing through a million wedding photos, so looking forward to a bit of chilling time with him when he's finished editing. All go.
We had a great final evening last night and went to see The Martian - a totally absurd story, very well told, well made and starring the charming Matt Damon. Just what we all needed! Tonight it's Arthouse: Phoenix - a bit more challenging I suspect but we shall have chips first as usual. I shall report back.

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