Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Oh Happy Day !

A Greek Tradgedy - Part VI

This is Twelve Toes George. He's been my neighbour for the last couple of days, posing with his girlfriend Elenna and little brother Paris. We got on well and although he's only 16 he was very mature and his English was about the best I heard all week. His knee cap is buggered and he's been waiting for a replacement for two years which he has now had. Damn painfull but it means in 6-8 months he can put his all into his passion, football, again.

Mrs Cph came to visit today and while she was here we got a call from the insurance company. They dropped the idea of a doctor coming down here and have decided to just send a learjet down to pick me up instead. I'm getting out here - yee-flipping-ha! This has been very possibly the most painful, surreal and unpleasant week of my life.

If you haven't seen it, check out my ride tomorrow.

The End ? ......not quite.

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