
By Appreciation

When I was young the beach was my idea of heaven. Warm sand to sit on and bury yourself in, crashing waves to knock you over with a squeal of giddy excitement, forbidden foods with tea from a flask, and grown ups who were relaxed with nothing else to do but focus on you.

Today, as I rounded the bend and caught my first glimpse of Longniddry Bents that same giddy squeal broke free. Autumn sunshine and a beach, there can be nothing finer.

I missed my lot today, they were elsewhere, but I wasn't going to miss out on perhaps my last chance to enjoy the seaside in the sun.

'Look Daddy, Look at me' squealed a little girl as she pirouetted holding out her tu-tu worn under her pink floral anorak.
'I see you darling' replied her Father without glancing back.

I wanted to tell him what he had missed, what he hadn't taken the time to commit to memory, but perhaps he had seen it before?

In my head I could see my girl way ahead cartwheeling her way into the distance and I could hear my boy repeatedly calling 'Mum, mum, mum' There was never a chance to ignore him, he would make you listen, he wouldn't be put off, he would wait until you were ready if he needed to. I could feel those little frozen fingers holding my hands and I could taste the tea from the flask again.

I left North Berwick so full of joy and fit to burst with happy memories which will never leave me. Aren't I the lucky one.

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