Hard Steps

Set in Stone

hard steps
from a life so known
now brittle
dry as autumn leaves
skittering in confusing swirls
littering the path of
life’s order
out of step
at odds with all
you’ve set in stone

A small collection of words for J who journeys to the midwest today. She'll board a flight with her sister to her childhood state from her beloved Massachusetts coast. A treasured friend of many, we hold her close as she steps into the unknown. We hope she will regain her essence and independence in the arms of the 'Buckeye State'. Years ago J gave me one of those special buckeyes (conkers), now smooth from my pockets and fingers. Today it's in a pocket close to my heart.

These steps are part of Union Cemetery in a section of Hanover called Assinippi. This broken tombstone shot is for DDW who sent me a book beautifully explaining the weeping willow carving.

Cemetery and seasonal shots start here on flickr.

For the Record,
This day came in cold with temps dipping below freezing.

All hands working on getting healthy.

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