Texann Times

By Texann

Not yet ready to exit...

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Today was a chemo day for L. We've been very fortunate so far really; it isn't usually a bad day. Just a bit of an early drive, then sitting around watching television while L is pumped full of toxic (and some not-so-toxic) substances, followed by another drive home again. One of the chemo drugs he's given is administered through a small pump over a 46-hour period. He wears it in a wee bum bag/fanny pack for that time and then we return to the hospital for it to be disconnected when it's empty. He finds wearing it a bit awkward and annoying at times but it beats the alternative of staying in hospital for those 46 hours!

If the TV gets boring while we're there - and we can attest to the fact that lunchtime programing is not the most exciting here - we can always take a short stroll around the square of corridors. At one point, L did just that and I caught him apparently making a rather premature bolt for the exit.

I felt a bit awkward as I thought the nurses might find it strange for us to be taking photographs in a cancer treatment area - not the sort of place people would normally choose to take a lot of pictures - but then I thought about it some more and realized that they had no doubt seen much stranger things in their time!

When we returned home, and had looked through our collection of pictures, I had to get ready for a Halloween party. Our neighbourhood is the best we've ever had. So friendly, so supportive, so fun. Some of the women get together on a regular basis and this time it was for Halloween, so I donned some appropriate black and ghoulish items and spent a lovely evening, relaxing and chatting with all of them, leaving L, with his pump, to play around with his photos.

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