
By Teasel

What a Windy Day

Don’t think I benefited from the extra hour. BB was up early – which is unlike him. I bet he is not up early tomorrow when he has to go to school. I had been awake anyway with the wind and I could hear things being blown about outside. When I got up I thought our front gate had been blown off, but not quite. The catch is broken though. Another wee job for TT.

I baked and cooked and watched my washing blowing in the wind – with my fingers crossed that it didn’t blow away.

After lunch I dragged BB out for a short and windy walk near East Linton. The wind was howling and the dark clouds were blowing over. BB said that it felt a bit eery a bit like Halloween! I might start trying to work out how to join all my knitted squares into a blanket later on.

Here’s my washing in the wind. I counted it all out and I counted it all in again!

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