Trick or treat

I went proper trick or treating today. I went next door and did a wee dance, well maybe more of a wee wiggle. I got sweeties! I was so pleased with myself.

I had a good night last night once I settled. When I got up daddy dressed me and gave breakfast before mummy took me to grandmas. My sister had to got to hospital to have her earrings removed as her ears have reacted badly with them. She is fine now though.

Grandma and I had great fun. I was so tired when mummy picked me up that I snoozed on the way to the shops. We only picked up a couple of things.

We also took mummy's car to get cleaned, well, it sparkles. I kept saying oh sparkle, clean and new car when I seen it. It was very dirty before....

Tonight though was the best all dressed up. I didn't want to take my outfit off! Mummy managed to persuade me by changing my nappy.

So I am now all cosy in bed with my teddies. Tomorrow we are having a lazy house day. Playing and sleeping. Mummy has her flu jag tomorrow to try and stop her and the baby getting flu. I get my flu nazel spray on Thursday mine won't hurt though.

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