
A quick scramble through the bookshelves, just grabbed one from each bookcase, with the only proviso that I'd read them more than three times each. All of these books are, or have been, truly loved; some for the contents, sometimes for the object itself, or its history.

I think I could have grabbed another, completely different 10, easily. I love books almost as much as I love bones :) A couple of the choices reflect my ideal: books about bones!

I wonder if I'll ever pick up a Kindle/e-Reader type thing...I do love a gadget as well, and I seriously doubt that the floors would take another bookshelf for new purchases. There's the touch of the paper, though, and the crack of an unread spine. There's the association with people you've lent books to, or from whom you've received them as presents. I've even managed to restore a book to readability after dropping it in the bath (well, it was a very startling plot-twist!) Try that with a kindle...;)

OK, off to the library.

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