Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Today, I saw my first marvelous Marbled Godwits - and not without a bit of effort on my part! I actually saw one last week, but it was so far away that I really couldn't make out much about it, so I didn't count it as a "find." Today, however, I found the mother load of shorebirds gathered at Ft. DeSoto ... on the far side of the lagoon. I could see them from the side I was on, but they were quite far away ... however, I could see people on the other side of the lagoon, so I knew there had to be a way to get there.

Sure enough, after I hiked a ways on the beach, I found the way to get to the other side of the lagoon, where I was within 30 feet of a staggering number of shore birds. I decided to go with the godwit because it is such a cool looking bird and also because I just really like this photo. It's cropped so that I could change the orientation to focus on the reflections. I posted ten other photos on Flickr, starting HERE with a wee ghost crab. I've included photos of black skimmers, frigatebirds, a white morph reddish egret, a tri-color heron and a few other things that caught my eye. There is even a mono seascape in there - a little something different for me!

As is always the case when I visit "the Fort", I got caught up in the wonders of nature and before I knew it, several hours had elapsed. This Saturday, I plan to bring Hubs with me so he can see some of my new favorite places.

Had a delightful visit with Carol and Moira yesterday - Moira is a budding nature enthusiast and I suspect she will get the photo-bug from Carol. One of these days, she'll be on Blip...I'm sure of it.

As always, thank you so very much for stopping by. I always appreciate the comments and kind words - thank you.


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