
By briocarioca

Let there be light

Waking before HH, I took myself off for a walk along the front and again was drawn down to the water’s edge by the silver sheets of reflections from a hazy sun. Wish I’d had the big camera, but went out with nothing but the iPhone. Next time…

HH had a doctor’s appointment out in the boondocks in the afternoon and I had to get a new bank card from nearby, so we packed up ready to come on up to the hills afterwards. HH pored over the GPS in the morning, but didn’t turn it on for the first, familiar bit of the journey. With the result that we were nattering away and sailed past the first exit. Eventually, after more misinterpretations of the disembodied GPS lady’s instructions (‘Turn right’, when she really meant ‘not here, the next one, you dolts’!) we reached our destinations on time – and were astounded by the heat when we got out of the car. Amazing the difference in temperature just a few miles inland.

The doctors’ premises were tiny - four or five consulting rooms and a reception area squeezed into a minute space. As she took down HH’s details, the receptionist said “you do know he also attends patients in Copacabana, don’t you”? Which, of course, we didn’t – and it’s just one block away from our house. Anyway, the doctor was friendly and pleasant and inspired confidence, and it looks as if HH will have a hip replacement in January.

We went through very little rain on the way up the hill, but could see that some areas were getting well drenched. Ours had obviously been one of them, and there was steady rain for a short while after we arrived. So Thursday Thanks (November Theme Challenge) is for the sun and the light in the morning and the rain in the afternoon. Much of Brazil is desperate for water and the main reservoir that supplies São Paulo (a mega city) is all but dry. What have we done to the world, to cause these wild imbalances in the climate?

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