Another brick in the wall

But at least I am in the wall.

I still have a job though our placement and structure is very different. Is it better? I don't know, probably not but time will tell. It will be different and that isn't necessarily bad. At this stage what we've received is a proposal. As a team we'll meet and talk and put together our submission.

Many things are still unclear and much will depend on other appointments and what their ideas and vision are. All unsettling but I know from experience the work still has to be done, no matter how you structure or package it. Some things don't change.

Ironically I've been really enjoying my job for a few months though my enthusiasm has been dented this week. Hopefully it will return, I'm sure it will.

But enough of that. I've caught up on back blips tonight if you're interested in checking them out:

Okarito boat shed

The wedding

Mountains to the sea

I'm still glowing from last weekend and starting to look forward to Mum and Dad's visit later in the month. I still have a job and that is good.

Now I've caught up I can return to catching up on journals and commenting :-)

With this title I have to include this song.

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