Farewell my lovely...

Even though we've known for the last two months that Rosie was living on borrowed time, it didn't make it any easier to say goodbye today. She'd been slowing down a lot over the last week, although she was still eating the most tempting titbits, wagged her tail when anyone came home and struggled upstairs to bed each night (though with some assistance at the end).

While I was out shopping she had a fit, which was very distressing for her and for Pete, who was looking after her. It only lasted for about a minute, but it took over an hour for her to recover, during which time she was very confused. This was the sign we'd been dreading, but with a heavy heart we booked her in to see the vet at 5pm.

The vet agreed that the time had come to say goodbye, as her liver was now very enlarged and uncomfortable. We brought her home for a couple of hours, so that all the family could say farewell (Alex had been at work) and she spent some time in the garden, ate a beefburger for tea and is seen here resting on her favourite quilt after her meal.

The end was very peaceful, and she was ready to go. She will be missed by all of us - she was such a kind, loving, gentle dog who enjoyed life, particularly her final two years when she was able to be the sole recipient of all our affection. Now, at last, she can rest in peace...

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