
By Igor

Fun day - fungi

A few weeks ago I began to get a bit bored blipping the same old things around our home - flowers/leaves/bits of guitars and so on, so I put a suggestion to the house blip committee that we should get out more.  I see wonderful landscapes and dramatic city skylines here in blipland and want a piece of the action.

I tentatively suggest that perhaps we might set aside one day a week to go off and make pictures. I’m hoping the offer of a pub lunch might swing it.

But agreeing which day is tricky.  Being retired, we are both extremely busy people and it is difficult to get our diaries in sync.  We need a management away-day to see if we can resolve the problem.  So today we schedule a team-building exercise in the woods.

Not a particularly great start - it’s drizzling with no sign of a let up.  But things change when we find a cafe at the carpark in the woods - a fine cup of coffee does wonders for the spirits.  And so the fun begins.

We play with our cameras, photograph leaves and trees and yet more trees, try hitherto undiscovered settings and effects on our cameras. We end up discarding most of them because, although they look wonderful in playback, they are rubbish on the computer screen.  

But it doesn’t matter. We discover a new bit of countryside, have some fresh air and a sumptuous pub lunch.  All participants agree to repeat the exercise.   

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