Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Another day, another year older.

Today is my birthday.
Today I got to sit and wait for Toshiba to deliver my replacement DVD recorder.
Today Toshiba told me the order had been cancelled at the Warehouse!
Today my hair wouldn't curl.
Today, the only post I got was a pack of hoover bags.
Today I wasn't happy.
Today I found out I could make dairy free pancakes and I was happy!

This evening however I headed out with a group of my lovely friends. We went to Khublai Khan's Mongolian buffet in Leith. It was fantastic. You got your little bowl, you chose your carbs, veg, meat and spices then they cook it up on a huge hot plate with two swords. Then you get to do it all again trying different flavours until you can eat no more. Then you get pudding. It was perfect for me as I could avoid the things I'm allergic to.

Beautiful evening with fantastic company. One of my best friends even made it (somewhat late) over from Troon.

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