All things Blipable....

By Tina

Muara beach, Crabs eye view..

This is my local beach.. It is a 3 minute walk from my house.. Sadly they have decided to lock the gate through to this beach so its now a 15 minute walk !
Its a beautiful beach.. always makes me glad i live here..
If ever i have a sad or bad day.. just a wander to Muara Pantai and it makes me feel better again..

This photo was taken at about 4pm.. as the day is turning cooler, at last..
Its taken from a Crabs eye view..
these little balls are made by the crabs, as they clear out their homes after the tide recedes..
when we first arrived here, and went to the beach we weren't entirely sure what these strange formations were.. some days the whole beach is just one huge mass of sandy balls!
It really is a strange sight!

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