All things Blipable....

By Tina

Iban man at temburong

After a day trip to Temburong, a canopy walk.a lite lunch and a float down the river(NOT all weekends are this much fun .. i hasten to add!!). we called in to a local long house to have a look at how they live.. ..
After 3 years of living in Brunei, I had never been in a longhouse here.. well i went in one in Kuching.. but it was all pretty contrived and touristy!

This place was very real.. and very lived in.. no special dancing girls.. just people living their lives.. and hey.. thats how it should be!

there were ladies making all things basket like.. and men sat around talking to others.. and then there was this older guy.. sat alone.. with his shirt off...
I asked if i could take HIS pic.. and he said yes.. but scurried off... and didnt come back for about 5 minutes!
when he came out.. he was dressed in an orange over top and was carrying a wooden shield and a large knife.. the knife was pretty scarey and was beautifully topped off with 'hair'
well.. he was Iban.. and many years ago.. they were headhunters...

He melted my heart... i just loved the look on his face.. he was just Oh so proud...

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