a town called E.

By Eej


We had another grey day today and all my photos came out bland.
I was fine with the greyness yesterday as the Blip-subject handled it well, but todays harvest was just so saaaaad. The skies, the birds, the trees, they all seemed to be heavy with sorrow. Not me!; we are getting a new steam mop!

I'm unsure if my excitement over that is a good sign or a bad one; is it okay to be all woohoo and whatnot over cleaning floors? Well, I think steaming things is the best thing since ... uhm ... ever.
This one steams carpet and curtains too, so I'm guaranteed hours of fun. I broke our last one when trying to steam a sofa bed. I didn't just break it, I actually broke it in two. We gorilla-taped it up but it was never quite the same. Our minty-green new addition* should be here by the end of the week. Anticipaaaaaation!

Back to the photos: in an act of desperation I decided to single-shot-HDR a few shots up. Don't ask me what and how, because all I know is that I click things and things change. And if I don't like the change I click undo and if I do like 'm I click save.
This is the extent of my knowledge and this is todays Blip :)

Edit to add: what you see is the Paw Paw river right where it flows into Maple Lake. Maple is a man-made lake, as it all used to be Paw Paw river at one point. There's a dam all the way on the other side where the lake flows back into the river.

* I mistyped this as 'addiction' Telling, eh? ;)

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