Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Ross: Drop in Christmas...x

Galleries can be odd places. They always have a hidden complexity. Airy spaces that turn you into a spectator, travels you about a bit and churns you out a little wiser and a tad more inspired than before.

I spent some time at a local gallery. The owner Debbie, let me use the upstairs space as a studio for my Christmas Portraits. You might think that a gallery atmosphere would put people off. It, to all intend and purpose is designed as browsing space. Hope Treasures has also evolved into tea shop, sofas and large chairs scattered about, like a manhattan book shop. I like that the function of browsing can lend itself to loitering in a studio space too.

I will try and evolve my portraits in this space too. I have a big plan for my portraits and here is the inspired space to develop it...x

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