An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Gifts of Love...


The tree is up!

David bought 3 new sets of LED lights for the tree. Oh dear Heavens! It can be seen from space!!! A friend in Australia said she wondered what the glow in sky coming from the North was. Now she knows!

That said, it is very lovely and I am happy with it.

Lots of our decorations have sentimental value as we either bought them as a reminder of something or they were given to us or made for us. This wee tree is a new addition I received last year from my lovely pal LeeAnne and made by her own fair hand. I love it! It reminds me of our fabulous Christmas Blip meet. What a night. Honestly can't believe that's a year ago this Saturday!

Anyhoo, got most of the rest of the decs up but spent so long doing it I ran out of time to make dinner for us and Agnes and Adrian, who were coming up and staying over. Ended up with a chinese takeaway. Major hostess fail!

We still had a great night with them though, finally getting to bed sometime after 2am.

Terrible behaviour! :D

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