random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Here we are nowhere

yoghurt, mango pulp, milk, water, bitty sugar mixed together, add ice and sprinkle ground pistachios on top, Not on top form after 2 late nights, the guy here who is a major Mourinho freak and Chelsea fan also forgot the game was on last night, We had half a conversation about the game before he realised.

Managed to grab a cycling machine tonight before Abs class. Quite funny as the power cuts affected the running machines (its the conveyor belt that puts all the effort in) but not the bikes. For the first time I could give it 20mins, meaning a sprint finish, heart rate at 175, wondering if little aerobic exercise in the last 6 weeks could have clogged my arteries.

Had to sit for a while then as they were calling for abs - the class leader came looking for me but I wasn't fit to stand at that point. I fear that if you collapse in a gym they would call an ambulance and not let you get up again - let alone do a class. I was dripping.

And then the gym came to a halt, Sachin was opening for Mumbai. Ran off home to catch the rest of the game.

And now I'm having a JustSitting inspired YouTube SLF extravaganza,

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