LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Change the mp3 man

I spotted this front page of the Wednesday Indy on our rack today. Took me back once again (sorry) to the last episode of The Thick of It just over a month ago. Armando - inspired and informed once again:

Night news editor of the Daily Mail: "What's the news? Just tell me what the fucking news is and I'll put it on the front page. It's not like we're the Independent. We can't just stick a headline saying CRUELTY then stick a picture of a dolphin or a whale underneath it."

I was digging their front page leads a couple of years ago. All that hardcore investigative journalism and sub-heads peppered with pertinent red words. A good few papers started imitating it. Now it's samey and tiresome. Change the record man - change the front page. Move on. A picture of a cow with it's foot in its mouth may have been a better lead given the "actual" news but, hey, they're independent.

Nb: The Daily Mail news editor's words - "Just tell me what the fucking news is and I'll put it on the front page" - well the real Daily Mail news editor..... he'd stick the cow on the front page with "Arghhhh - we're all gonna die". The Express would try and link the outbreak to Princess Diana. The Guardian would blame whoever's in power.

Och I'm gonna stop this cynical shit right now.

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