Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

view from the hole in my house

I have to start with a big WOO HOO! It would seem that i no longer have to wear the L-plates. I was going to ask how long i would have to wear them before i moved up in the world of blippers. Guess it doesn't matter anymore.
So to celebrate i downloaded some photo software,(thanks to Flick for that one, i got it from llcool's page) and had some fun playing with that.
I'm too busy at work just now to get time to take those all important pics, so tonights shot comes from the gaping hole in the back of my house. We're knocking down the old extension and building it properly. The folks before us were a bit to keen to pick up the old power tools and, as far as i can tell, then just used the force to create all sorts of DIY nightmares. I'm all for folk trying things for themselves but surely even in the most fevered of brains there comes a point when you think maybe, just maybe i should stop now. But still these people are allowed to roam free in society, fixing up each house they move into which in turn becomes one big booby trap the next unfortunate soul. Pulling the shower cord should not turn on the downstairs stereo or leave me with mild burns and a twitch.
Wow seems like mr cool jim's rants are infectious, although his today was of a more serious nature.
ach well i shall bid you all a goodnight and i will try and make more of an effort with tomorrows blip.

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