Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

tragedy & tribute

as the title suggests this is a bit of a tragedy but i am also paying tribute. first the tragedy. as you can see the building work is coming on but my father in-law has a new job starting on monday and shall therefore not be available to work on the extension during the day. this is a sad thing for two reasons one it will obviously take longer to finish and two, i am now going to have to give up my saturday to put up a roof.
there is a silver lining to this dark cloud of despair. as the more eagle eyed of you will have noticed (although not that eagle eyed as its highlighted in colour), there is a copy of U2's rattle and hum. this arrived just today to replace the one that vanished as these things seem to do. i don't know how this phenomenon(?) occurs but as soon as i want to listen to something i haven't heard in a while it is never there. HOW? WHY? they don't leave the house, they barely leave the room but still they keep on disappearing. anyway this one arrived today and it so good to hear it again that i must pay tribute to U2.
bit of a crap blip and a truly half arsed rant as its 1.30am and i seem to be having trouble being coherent, never mind amusing.
night folks

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