Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


well folks, its been a long old day. four meetings in four different parts of london. thats a lot of trains and a lot of pissing about. eventually it finished and i came home. as i stepped through the door i heard a voice cry "DADDY" and then this cannonball threw itself from half way down the stairs and wrapped around in me the vice like grip of death. and you know what even though she was choking the life out of me in her enthusiasm it was the best feeling ever. nothing that had happened today mattered, just for a few fleeting moments everything else melts away, sounds become muted and all you know is the love and trust that this little angel has for you, well me, not you obviously.
my i am rambling on a bit here, so todays blip. well i couldn't really capture the moment i was talking about but i did get one of another happy moment and that was Bebec's playtime. as anyone knows who has a dog this is another one of those times where you can just switch off and just have fun with what is really just another member of the family.
looks like i'll actually get this up before midnight too.

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