Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

easy life

well, today as expected was a busy one and tomorrow doesn't look like being that day of rest either. Can't complain about today anyway as i knew it was coming.
Got a lot accomplished with regards to the building of the extension. Roof has been started and should be finished by close of play tomorrow. can't tell you how chuffed Bebec is as that is where she sleeps. Only problem with todays plan was the small delay in clearing out the wasps nest, and i have to confess that to call it a nest hardly does it justice. this was a similar effect to going out the back of the wardrobe and into narnia. who would have thought that these little feckers were capable of such a creation. I'm glad we had the bloke come round and kill them last week as i'd hate to have pissed them off when they had a full quota of soldiers. Now, i realise that the sort of image would have made a great blip but my father in-law had already started staving it in before i could get my camera. I have to hand it to them though, even after the small amount of chemical weapons dumped on them, there were still eggs or whatever it is that wasps produce, (no doubt some smart arse will let me know.) One of them was actually trying to climb out of this honeycomb shaped labour suite.
Todays actual blip is of a bird, a pigeon to be precise. He/She (who cares really, but to keep a chauvinistic edge on it lets just refer to it as he), so he has been flying back and forth to the tree in our garden to pig out on little berries all day long. was actually getting quite jealous of the little bugger as i was slowly disappearing under a sea of dust from channeling the wall so i could support the joists.
Anyway had the camera kept beside me by this point in time and he seemed only to happy to pose for me. So he bacame todays blip as i didn't think the extension should go on twice in one week and as i said earlier in these ramblings i missed my shot at the intact wasp city.
Hope you all had a good day.
Bring on tomorrow.

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