Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


ok so this is being posted a day late but the actual pic was taken on sunday night. it is definately not the most exciting of pics but it does represent the culmination of a series of events in which my beloved wife tried to destroy the house. everything she touched went pear shaped. i did in fact lose count of the number of times there was a loud crash, followed by some muffled cursing and then i would run into the room only to find yet another pile of things that somehow managed to just fall over or have been dropped. any-hoo as i said this pic represents the finale of her one woman wrecking crew bonanza. although fortune must have been smiling at that moment too. for even though she knocked over the picture frame(at the foot of the stairs), and it bounced several times on its journey downstairs, it did not break. not even a crack in the glass. Better still it even landed the right way up. who knows how or why these things happen? well we know why, that would be the all singing, all dancing walking calamity that is my lover, friend (woman crazy enough to have my child). Still how is it possible that with the chaos she had caused throughout the day, should this frame survive?
answers on a postcard..............

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