Skip's Blips

By Skip


...or perhaps it is a narcissus or even a daffodil. I have always been a little confused about the correct name for this flower. I googled it to hopefully clear up my confusion, but that was a fruitless effort. Call it what you will, I think it is lovely. According to the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service (on the web)... Jonquil is one of the species narcissus, collectively known as daffodils, that was introduced into gardens from its native home in Spain and Portugal. According to the same website, Roman soldiers introduced the plant into England during the early Christian era. All I know is I like them, and this one is blooming in our garden, so I blipped it.

Major frustration had me tearing at my hair today because the new memory card I bought for my D90 isn't talking to my computer...not to the Photoshop Elements uploader or the Nikon transfer software that came with the camera. When I stick the card in the slot on my hard drive, the little green light says it's there, but when I try to bring the images into the computer the drop down menu says they aren't there (for want of a more technical explanation). Ironically, the older memory card (same make) that I have used with my older Nikon camera works in my D90 and the images transfer to my computer just fine. But, you see, that is a 2 MB card and I need a bigger one for the new camera. Erg!!! I returned to Best Buy where I bought the card, and they switched it out for me and even transferred the images on it to another card, but that one doesn't work either. Now here's the most frustrating thing about this boondoggle: I switched the non-working card that was on sale for a slower speed card of the same brand that was not on sale, so it cost me $13 extra to get a second card that doesn't work any better (actually less because it is slower) than the first card. See why I was tearing my hair out? Two trips to Best Buy plus all the time wasted in front of the computer screen, and I will have to return to Best Buy yet again. The best I can say about this is that the clerks and Geek Squad at Best Buy were very courteous and helpful (Well, they tried to be helpful).

Enough about my frustrations. It could definitely be worse. Maybe Nikon or Adobe Photoshop will answer one of the emails I have sent to them, and they will have a solution. I'll let you know.

RANT OVER! Thanks for reading if you've made it this far. I hope you enjoyed that pretty little jonquil. Have a happy Sunday, Blippers. I hope you see some sunshine wherever you are.

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