Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

The Beat That My Heart Skipped..

Raheny Eye and I had pints today, and went to a gig.

Dans Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip.

Out Of My Sac and Seriously Pissed I got.

Raheny is a fucking legend.

As is Cardbird, who drove my drunk ass home to Wicklow.

Thank you both, and apologies for inebriation.

Hope they like the sweets, N.


Right, that was far too tame.

I was too fucking horrendufied yesterday evening to do The Day justice, so....

ScroobThe Beat That My Heart Skipped....Part Deux

I shoplifted the sweets for Rahenys Brood in Dunnes Stores on Georges Street, wearing a Raheny Eye-Mask.

Expect a heavy knock on the door, soon, mon frere.
Maybe you should run while you still can....

I bought all the pints in the Feile Bar on Wexford Street (its an Irish Gay Bar For Fellas, and anonymoussy fella-tio)

The only time Raheny put his hand in his pocket was to scratch his inferior Gallic Bollix.

But once at the gig, the buzz was fuckin DEADLY!!!!!!

I bought many more pints, while we hearkened to the Gospel According to Scroob ....

The rest is mostly a blank, as I was fucking ossified.

And I am so glad that French Hoor linked pics of a Drunken Wicklow Snapper, just to jog the memory
You would swear butter wouldnt melt in his mouth

"No, sweetest, I am not a bit drunk, I will be home soon, dont worry....."


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