Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Cabbages And Kings....

...and Carrots and Castles.

Thursday is absodeffofuckinflutely my fave day of the week....

Even tho the poxridden lump of shite of a vegetable laden van throws a bollicky pissyfit within fifty yards of the arsebiscuit market......

Cue frantic dash, handballing enough food to feed Leitrim across one of the busiest streets in Kilkenny City....

Tore my hand open on a sneaky little nail, but, being a real man, didnt have time to bleed....

Bleed I did, had to put on a black woolen glove so as not to leak on the leeks, and get my aerodynamic arse into litigation....

I was the Ginger Michael Jackson of Garlic and Ginger.....

When things calmed down, much later, I took a deep breath (and several hard drags on a Marly Light), I stopped and looked around me...

And thought, "Well, ride me sideways, this isnt such a bad way to make a bit of a living.."

The pic is of Klaus, another former Healy Hedonist, moved here seventeen years ago with the missus, and just.couldnt.leave.
We ruined Germany for them.

Between the pair of them, they subsist (rather well, I think), making baskets, pottery and restoring old furniture, as K is doing here...

Right outside a medieval castle, every Thursday, displaying their mostly forgotten skills.

To see what I mean about working in a really nice place, see links...

From ThisawayFrom Thataway

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